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The Rust campaign is understandably defensive when it comes to taxes and spending

by: DanielK

Sat Sep 12, 2009 at 04:42:37 PM EDT

This morning Tom Rust and Stevens Miller debated on Fairfax Public Access "The Road To..." where voters got to see first hand, from the candidate where they stand on important issues.  As we have seen this election cycle Tom Rust's campaign for reelection has become more and more desperate, realizing that he is running against a candidate who can not only talk the talk, but when things get tough walk the walk.  Not only are we beginning to see a more desperate and scared campaign being run by Tom Rust it is already beginning to swing towards the negative.  Unfortunately, Rust is trying to run from his record on taxes and wasteful spending by lying about Miller's. One thing is clear, the tax and wasteful spender in this race is Mr. Abuser Fees Tom Rust.

It's not often where Democrats have the pleasure of winning the argument on taxes and spending, but when you compare the records of Miller and Rust, it's crystal clear who has been fighting for tax fairness and who has been wasting our tax dollars. And that's probably why Tom Rust's campaign has resorted to the tactics of desperation.

Here are the records for both candidates:

DanielK :: The Rust campaign is understandably defensive when it comes to taxes and spending
Stevens Miller: For the first time in more than a decade, the Loudoun County Supervisors in a bi-partisan vote decreased tax bills in Loudoun County. That meant in a tough economic time more area residents were able to keep more of what they earned.

Tom Rust: You probably all remember the infamous Rust-Albo Abusive Driver Fees. But as a refresher, that was basically Tom Rust and Dave Albo's attempt at using the judicial system as a tax authority of sorts to impose unreasonable surcharges to mundane traffic violations. The way Rust and Albo wanted the bill, this would have only applied to Virginia drivers and not out of staters.

Advantage Miller.

Stevens Miller: In his first move as Chairman of the Route 28 Tax District, an area that covers portions of both Fairfax and Loudoun counties, Miller reduced business taxes as a way to spur economic development.

Tom Rust: When no one was watching in Richmond, Tom Rust put forward an item to create another layer of taxing authority in our local jurisdictions. Rust didn't think it was enough that local Board's of Supervisors leveled taxes on residents, he also wanted to extend taxing authority to another government body.

Advantage Miller.

Stevens Miller: As Dulles District Supervisor in Loudoun County, Miller voted against funding for a brand new government center, noting that in these economic times local government needs to be mindful of large expenditures that are either not needed or can wait.

Tom Rust: When no one was watching in Richmond, Tom Rust voted to redecorate the capitol to the tune of $130 million. That meant Tom Rust wanted to spend money on his office drapes instead of sending our tax dollars back to our schools.

Advantage Miller.

Finally, Stevens Miller has led by example on this issue. When Loudoun Supervisors were making difficult cuts in order to lower tax bills last year, Supervisor Miller took it upon himself to give back 10 percent of his own salary.

I'm pretty sure Tom Rust has never done that.

So, before you start believing the make-believe being spewed by the increasingly negative campaign for Tom Rust, let's start by comparing their records.

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