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Fight: Why I Support Brian Moran

by: Kenton Ngo

Mon Feb 23, 2009 at 10:04:29 PM EST

Brian Moran at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Photo by Kenton Ngo

It's about fight.

I'll spend this primary season splitting hairs about the relative progressive records of Brian Moran and Creigh Deeds (Terry McAuliffe will try to convince you he has a record to be debated, hopefully to no avail), but that's not the real reason I support Brian Moran.

I'll spill thousands of pixels on detailed arguments why an urban candidate is the most electable, or why Brian Moran is best positioned to beat Bob McDonnell, and why suburban voters are the force to be reckoned with, but that's not the real reason I support Brian Moran.

I'll probably even pen thousands of words this cycle on the policy paper one-upmanship that's already occurring, whether it be on energy or the economy, but that's not the real reason I support Brian Moran.

In my time in politics, I have learned that while viewing a primary choice through those narrow lenses (record, electability, and policy) is useful and necessary, they're more academic questions. We will have the occasional race where a Democrat is really an elephant with an ill-fitting donkey suit, but I have faith this year that I will enthusiastically support whoever we nominate against Bob McDonnell.

At the end of the day, the practical reasons we support a primary candidate are secondary to the big picture argument. Most Democrats will be pleased to have any of the three as governor, as they agree with most of us. The policy differences are small compared to the difference with Republicans, electability is a purely academic argument until Election Day, and policy propositions are mere sketches of what might actually happens after the new Governor moves into Capitol Square.

At the end of the day, it comes down to what my heart says.

So the question is posed: what does each candidate say about the party, and what does each candidate say to my heart?

Some have accused the Moran campaign of losing its way, of being scared of Terry McAuliffe. I know, however, what I want out of my candidate--a "fighter, not a fundraiser" who is tenacious enough to attack when necessary.

Primaries are emotional more than rational, and as someone who believes in the power of the rational, it's difficult to say I can't put it any more clearly than this. This year, I'll be casting my vote for Brian Moran simply because I believe he'll fight hardest for us all.

I'll get to the rest later.

Kenton Ngo :: Fight: Why I Support Brian Moran
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Excellent and well written
I can usually hear your writing when I read it because your writing style is for spoken word (which is the way it should be).  And I don't mean to disagree with you at all because I completely agree.  I guess I would just try to add that it's not just about the fight to me because I think all 3 of our gube candidates are good fighters (all Irish?) and I genuinely respect this.  To me it's also about the "grounds" on which Brian has taken the fight to Terry.  Which is "Big Money" versus "The People."

I think many people who know me understand that I am truly appalled at the idea that someone could waltz in and take advantage of all the hard work and struggle we have been through in Virginia to get us where we are and just buy us all up with the promise of a big money campaign.  I'm noticing more and more it's the people who have done most of the hard work over the past few years who are supporting Brian and I think it's for similar reasons.

I think Creigh and his people probably have the same problem with McAuliffe but haven't engaged him on it because McAuliffe's presence potentially helps Creigh's campaign the same way Ross Perot helped Bill Clinton.  Although in this case Creigh has almost disappeared from this race.

Putting aside all the problems I have with T-Mac and what I consider inexcusable rationalizations of equality and civil rights on Creigh's part, I would still be supporting Brian because of his bold leadership on environmental policy, which is right on target.

Brian understands we can't play it safe and nibble around the edges and it's not about asking people to take a leap of faith into some abyss of something new and different.  It's about asking people to accept the reality which has rolled up under our feet.  Brian is facing this reality and the others are not.  To me it's because Brian gets it and the others do not.

Despite the distorted myth that "Only the strongest survive" attributed to Darwin, he actually stated nearly the opposite:

"It's not the strongest or most intelligent species that survive; it is the one most adaptable to CHANGE" -- Charles Darwin

So it's not just about the strongest fighter for me, it's also about the one most adaptable to CHANGE and that's Brian Moran.

while this is a simple thought, it's true.
Moran showed he could fight, like a little bit of that jim webb "born fighting" mentality.

I remember Deeds (who you wrote about the parallels between him and Edwards a few days ago) came to the Mt. Vernon Democratic Committee's volunteer party in January, and barely made a peep. I believe he picked up a microphone once, however, he didn't really establish himself there. He talked a to a few voters, he did the whole meet and greet, but for the most part he was back in the corner.

He was very low key, people had to come up to him for him to say anything to him. He didn't show that he wanted it.

We know he will have to fight for media attention, unlike M&M;, so if he wants to get some media attention, he is going to have to kick it into high gear! But I don't think he will. He hasn't shown it yet, it might be too late. Sure, he made a nice showing in a straw poll (but that just shows how much people dont like McAss and the fact that many voters understand a democrat from southern virginia could be very powerful in the general.)

My point being? Moran shows he cares, he will fight, he is making a name for himself. McAss focuses on fundraising. and Deeds doesn't make enough noise to be noticed!

Moran is the likely candidate because of these things.  

Great photo and great writing

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