Creigh Deeds
Fri Apr 17, 2009 at 12:17:20 PM EDT
( - promoted by Kenton Ngo)
This morning I was at a breakfast fundraiser for Creigh Deeds.
In Mt. Jackson.
If any of you know where Mt. Jackson is, it's because you're a VA Tech or JMU student who briefly looked up as you were zipping down Interstate 81 at exit 273 and noticed there's a Sheetz. It's a highly conservative, thoroughly Republican area in Shenandoah County.
And a contender for the Democratic nomination for governor was there, smiling and talking and winning over curious Republicans.
That's why Creigh has got to be our nominee.
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Mon Apr 06, 2009 at 07:59:04 AM EDT
Let me start this by saying that I don't harbor any animosity toward Creigh Deeds or wish him failure. I've heard him described as being a "salt of the earth" kind of guy. I believe he serves the people of Virginia the best way he can, but politics being as it is; he has stumbled here and there. I think we need leaders like Deeds, and I hope he'll continue his service in the commonwealth.
We now have three polls spanning 12 weeks in the current Democratic primary. By now, candidates and activists should be thinking about the best way to maneuver for a victory in November.
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Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 08:31:29 AM EDT
Cross-posted to Daily Kos and The Virginia Democrat
Well, I've had some time to look at the latest PPP poll, and the fact is that it holds the best news for .... wait for it .... Creigh Deeds!
I know I'm in the tank for Creigh and therefore biased, but hear me out on this one.
But let me preface it by saying that I appreciate Kenton's take on this poll, although like me, he approached it from the position of an advocate for a candidate, in his case Brian Moran. The fact is that this particular poll, for whatever it may be worth, has data that should make both Deeds and Moran happy, and leave Terry McAuliffe scratching his head.
(More on flip)
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Sat Jan 17, 2009 at 01:45:11 AM EST
Creigh Deeds- - Starting Balance- $597,200
- Amount Raised- $610,532 (1371 Contributors)
- Amount Spent- $404,003
- Amount Banked- $206,539
- Burn Rate (Spent/Raised)=66%
- Cash on Hand- $803,729
Creigh is staying quite competitive, having more contributions than both Brian and Terry. More importantly, Creigh has been quite thrifty and now leads the pack in terms of cash on hand! I hope the rest of the Deeds campaign is being run as well as the finance team.
Terry McAuliffe- - Starting Balance- $0
- Amount Raised- $947,504 (1310 Contributors)
- Amount Spent- $229,424
- Amount Banked- $718,079
- Burn Rate (Spent/Raised)= 24%
- Cash on Hand- $718,079
This is a great effort and reflects quite well on Terry! While Brian gets on his case for "out of state" money... 98% of Terry's contributions came from Virginia, aka- in-state (though I suspect some massive out of state checks came in the day after the reporting deadline).
Brian Moran- - Starting Balance- $924,292
- Amount Raised- $761,893 (1192 Contributors)
- Amount Spent- $916,580
- Amount Banked- ($154,687)
- Burn Rate (Spent/Raised)= 120%
- Cash on Hand- $769,605
I've been told that I am the most outspoken critic of the Moran campaign ... well today is no exception. They've turned their huge advantage (fundraising) into a liability by spending like drunken sailors! This last 6 months should have been devoted to building on their cash advantage- instead they managed to slip a net of $400,000 behind (despite a $50,000 check from big brother Jim). This period alone they sent $90k to Mame Reiley and $53k to Lionell Spruill... can you hear the sucking sound?
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Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 06:53:09 PM EST
Oh come on.
Don't make me do this.
I hate bashing other Democrats, I really do, but some things are just unforgivable. I had barely finished my musings on the first 2009 poll of the season showing. Those are facts well-accepted by everyone. Let's quote the numbers here:
Rasmussen 12/4 (500 LV)
Brian Moran 41
Bob McDonnell 37
Creigh Deeds 39
Bob McDonnell 39
Bob McDonnell 41
Terry McAuliffe 36
So, therefore, a sensible conclusion would be Creigh Deeds Tied With Bob McDonnell. Or perhaps if you wanted to be more general, the race is tied. One would not say rainbow-colored monkeys show that Ross Perot will become governor of Virginia or bananas pickled in vinegar taste like champagne, or other similarly bad conclusions.
Then I opened up my email and saw this gem. New Poll, it crowed, Puts Deeds In Lead. Then it had the audacity to ask me for a donation!
What, had they seen the same poll I saw (reminder: Deeds 39, McDonnell 39). Was there something I missed?
Then I read carefully. They based the statement off of a line in the Rasmussen press release:
Deeds is also the favorite among Democratic voters who will select a gubernatorial nominee in a June primary.
Except they never polled the primary. No one knows who leads there. That statement was referring to his favorability ratings.
Creigh Deeds is a smart man and a fine candidate who should have no trouble raising money without his campaign staff monkeys taking a poll and bashing it into an unrecognizable format outside of the bounds of fact. Virginia voters--and Creigh--deserve better.
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1. 52 OPEN (R)
2. 42 Albo (R)
3. 86 Rust (R)
4. 34 Vanderhye (D)
5. 50 Miller (R)
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Updated: April 17