( - promoted by Aimee Fausser)
2009 will not be 2008. I hope that remains the most insightful statement on this blog for no more than a day. But Democrats must remember that none of the three white guys running for the gubernatorial nomination will make history if they win. No overcoming racism or breaking glass ceilings for these boys. Because none of the three, therefore, have a moral argument for their candidacy, we can move on to a more fundamental, pragmatic question: can they win? Lost in the shuffle of Obama winning Virginia is a realization of how he won Virginia, and how Democrats can win the Executive Mansion for a rare third straight time. The key to winning a statewide election in Virginia is winning a majority of the Commonwealth's 11 congressional districts. The question, then, for Messrs. Deeds, Moran and McAuliffe is this: Can you realistically win 6 districts?