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House GOP Kills No-Excuse Absentee Voting (Video)

by: Brian Devine

Wed Apr 08, 2009 at 07:01:47 PM EDT

Crossposted at NM3.


"Following a motion from former Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Jeff Frederick, Speaker Bill Howell rules a no-excuse absentee voting amendment from Gov. Tim Kaine not germane - thus avoiding a recorded vote and killing the measure."

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Top House of Delegates ActBlue Candidates

by: AdamSharp

Mon Apr 06, 2009 at 11:02:22 AM EDT

( - promoted by Aimee Fausser)

I am keeping track of all the House of Delegates candidates on ActBlue and who is "in the lead" each week in terms of fundraising. The candidate's name links to their ActBlue "hub" page, and the number in parentheses is the candidate's district.

As of April 5, Democratic House candidates have raised $201,068 on ActBlue: that's $40,747 in one week! (The week before, candidates raised $40,038.)

As of the end of the day April 5:

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McAuliffe Turning Weakness into Strength

by: Todd Smyth

Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 02:04:24 PM EDT

( - promoted by Kenton Ngo)

After benefiting from numerous "too-good-to-be-true" angel investments while trading access to President Clinton in the 1990's, Terry McAuliffe (T-Mac) has cashed in his chips and is on a shopping spree.  He stopped in Florida and New York first but they wouldn't have him, so he has settled on buying the Democratic nomination for Governor in Virginia.  But how do you win a nomination in a state where you have no standing or record and have a list of negatives that makes Jack Abramoff look electable?
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Top House of Delegates ActBlue Candidates

by: AdamSharp

Mon Mar 30, 2009 at 09:58:47 AM EDT

( - promoted by Aimee Fausser)

I will try to keep track of all the House of Delegates candidates on ActBlue and who is "in the lead" each week in terms of fundraising. The candidate's name links to their ActBlue "hub" page, and the number in parentheses is the candidate's district.

As of March 29, Democratic House candidates have raised $160,321 on ActBlue: that's $40,082 in one week!

As of the end of the day March 29:

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Top House of Delegates ActBlue Candidates

by: AdamSharp

Mon Mar 23, 2009 at 09:58:49 AM EDT

( - promoted by Aimee Fausser)

I will try to keep track of all the House of Delegates candidates on ActBlue and who is "in the lead" each week in terms of fundraising. The candidate's name links to their ActBlue "hub" page, and the number in parentheses is the candidate's district.

As of March 22, Democratic House candidates have raised $120,239 on ActBlue!

As of the end of the day March 22:

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Top House of Delegates ActBlue Candidates

by: AdamSharp

Mon Mar 16, 2009 at 10:12:12 AM EDT

( - promoted by Aimee Fausser)

I will try to keep track of all the House of Delegates candidates on ActBlue and who is "in the lead" each week in terms of fundraising. The candidate's name links to their ActBlue "hub" page, and the number in parentheses is the candidate's district.

As of March 15, Democratic House candidates have raised $104,679 on ActBlue!

As of the end of the day March 15:

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Top House of Delegates ActBlue Candidates

by: AdamSharp

Mon Mar 09, 2009 at 12:14:34 PM EDT

(Now with last week's rankings included--awesome! - promoted by Aimee Fausser)

I will try to keep track of all the House of Delegates candidates on ActBlue and who is "in the lead" each week in terms of fundraising. The candidate's name links to their ActBlue "hub" page, and the number in parentheses is the candidate's district.

As of March 8, Democratic House candidates have raised $92,839 on ActBlue!

I have added each candidate's position in last week's rankings in each category.

As of the end of the day March 8:

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1. -- 42 Albo (R)
2. -- 52 OPEN (R)
3. -- 14 Marshall (R)
4. -- 93 Hamilton (R)
5. -- 86 Rust (R)
6. 23 Vanderhye (D)
7. 73 O'Bannon (R)
Full rankings
Updated: March 4


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